Exponential Marketing

Unlocking Your Company’s Value

Kiadó: Manager Könyvkiadó Kft. - 2010
Kiadás száma: 1
This book is required reading for anyone interested in understanding how to most effectively approach the transfer of ownership in a company and to craft a successful transition for both shareholders and firm.
The author leverages his decades of international experience in helping owners at this stage of their life and career to think through all of the issues involved. It is rich in examples and in practical advice on how to maximize transaction proceeds and crystallize value.
Dante Roscini,
Professor, Harvard Business School
Former Head of Global Equity Capital Markets, Merrill Lynch
Ár [bruttó]: 5600,- Ft

The Manager's Book of Checklists

Kiadó: Pearson - 2006
Kiadás száma: 3
As a frontline manager, there's a lot to remember and even more to do. Sometimes you want a quick and easy reminder of the essentials on a particular topic, so you know you've covered all the bases. Then you can be sure you're doing the right thing, at the right time and being effective and efficient. The Manager's Book of Checklists is that essential quick reference. It will help you to be more systematic, to consider all angles of the situation and to be a better, smarter manager. New to this edition are checklists on coaching and performance management. These join all the lists in classic areas such as finance, customer service, people and operations.
Ár [bruttó]: 7991,- Ft
Akciós ár [bruttó]: 1990,- Ft

The Seven Cs of Consulting

Kiadó: Pearson - 2003
Kiadás száma: 2
"Any consultant aiming to survive and succeed in a competitive world needs to have a clear and concise change model to hand; one that can guarentee delivery of a wide range of change projects.Based around the author's 7C's model - client, clarify, create, change, confirm, continue, close - this book offers both budding and experienced consultants a solid framework to enable them to manage any consultancy assignment. With the help of the crib notes on the pull-out back pocket guide, the 7 C's model will show you how to improve your professionalism, and deliver clear and demonstrable results to clients, bringing them back for more."
Ár [bruttó]: 8990,- Ft
Akciós ár [bruttó]: 2490,- Ft